Wednesday, 7 November 2012

13/9/2012 – Photoshoot - Nairobi

I am to help at the Unite the People concert in Kisumu later this month and today went to Nairobi to do a photo shoot with some of the acts. The original plan was that the photos would be taken in the Stanley Hotel. I foolishly presumed this had been cleared by the organiser with the hotel – oops! With 5 minutes before the arrival of the artists we had not venue!! My first photo shoot and I was not stressed honest!! I left Simon the organiser to wait for them whilst I nipped out to find a quiet back street location (not easy in bustling Nairobi! Luckily I came across a hoarded area where a building had been demolished and persuaded the security guard to let us use it. That way we were safe from being mobbed by the public and had a cool backdrop.  Here are a couple of shots and a link to my flickr account for the rest . What do you think?


The "Unite the People" pose with me stood on top of a rickety old site toilet

Simon the Organiser

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