Before the elections Kenya help televised debates with all
the 8 candidates present. This was the first time for such an event in Kenya
and most of Kenya watched them. There were some real characters among the 8
and also some thorny issues for the participants to defend. For the second round
I was in Nairobi and watched the first 2
hours from a bar in the CBD. Then I returned to the hotel for the second half.
En-route I passed the Tom Mboya statue and square where there was a big screen
and a large crowd. At the back there was a large green army truck full of GSU
(General Service Unit of the Army – the most feared of security teams in Kenya)
luckily all was peaceful so and a smile and wave from the passing Mzungu
managed to crack one or two of the stern faces on the truck into a smile. They
are human really………
I decided taking a photo was probably pushing it a bit :)