Saturday 5 November 2011

Arrived in Kenya

Friday flight was long but smooth including immigration, etc and we arrived at the hotel just after 11pm local time having left my Sister’s pub at 6.30 am UK time. We had a lovely welcome and dinner was waiting for us. The hotel is great and quite a treat really. After that bed. Nice surprise that there is free and reasonably reliable wifi at the hotel so I could let the family know I arrived safely.  
Anyway after a long day on Friday I had a great nights sleep and then a hearty breakfast. The VSO team keep calling this week a "soft landing" we are certainly being spoilt compared to what I was expecting at the Hotel but I am not complaining. Today's sessions started at 10am with the usual training type “getting to know you” exercises, etc for the first hour. Then there was a run through of what to expect and an information pack. This was followed by an initial 15 minute security briefing covering the recent grenade attacks and the issues with the militants etc. All this just reinforced the general traveling position of just being street wise and aware of your surroundings.

At tea break I there was a selection of drinks but I was offered "brewed tea" from a flask. Always being one to try the local food and drink and I must admit i was suspecting it was just pre made tea i went for it. It was actually a sweet tea with ginger and masala which sounds odd but was very tasty :)

The final morning session was 1 and a half hours of just us and 3 current volunteers (no VSO Jitolee staff) they were extremely open and very helpful about the reality of volunteering both from the positive and the negative perspective, highlighting mistakes they had made and some of the great experiences they had had. After another heart lunch with a white chocolate cheesecake dessert Mmmmmmm it was a trip into Nairobi for orientation and to experience a bit of Kenya outside the hotel enclosure. It is quite modern and you can get most things you can get in the UK. I did not notice too many chains like Starbucks etc but there were local versions etc. Sorted out a Kenyan SIM and had my first iced cappuccino which was surprisingly good.

On then to the volunteers flat to sample VSO Nairobi accommodation. They did stress that those outside Nairobi (me!) will have "very different accommodation". This one was a simple but fine 2 bed flat with access to the roof for great views over the city. Then an entertaining journey back through Nairobi rush hour - the bus driver had a "positive" driving style!! but he got us home safely somehow :). More food and then across the road to Trackerz bar for a swift one before bed........

The plan for the rest of the week includes Swahili lessons all day tomorrow (well starting at 11am anyway!!). Finance, security and Health on Monday (starting at 8.30 for the rest of the week) with more Swahili in the afternoon. Tuesday - more Swahili, social and cultural expectations, and a visit to the VSO Jitolee office.

The rest of the week is very much placement specific and includes meeting our employers and agreeing the 3 way partnership agreement etc. There is also a shopping session where we buy mattresses, bedding, pans and other living essentials. Saturday I am taken out to my new home.

Fun bit of the day came when i was pulled to one side to be told "Simon - I need to speak to you about your accommodation..........."

Here we go I thought - this could be fun........

Luckily it was a positive change. The original proposal had been to put me in accommodation where i was sharing bathroom facilities with 6 other homes...... VSO vetoed that and I am now in self-contained accommodation within a school complex/compound so i share the school security. Still not too much clearer as to what exactly it is but that is part of the fun :)

All good so far (but I am very much in the honeymoon period, reality starts on Saturday.....) and I have to say the training seems pretty comprehensive and is certainly well organised. More later in the week and hopefully some photos from Kenya.

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